Monday, March 23, 2009

the two sites of the Hall of Fame of the subject matter

there has been a long gap since the last blog owing to COC hassles and unable to commandeer cash for the project as failing to sail on three months contract and failing to fly to Johannesberg on account of new gestation period of the yellow fever vaccination.
Last time I mentioned an alternative site of the Zinwa for the purpose,of course with the possible consent of my two brothers. but I failed to get their in March owing to shortage of the moola.Now I am back in Mumbai after revalidation course,trying to revive my COC,so cleverly cut down to half it's life,on account of my last struggle with the administration and some plain speaking on my part.I hope good sense will prevail and I can sail and earn some good money for my grandiose plan about the Raghuvanshies,first of Katehar abd then of Dobhi,et all.
2.Meanwhile some ideas evolved,like having two sites,basically.One for the twelve sons of Baba Pukar Rai at the Zinwa,where I built the first one for Rai Khemraj Singh,the eldest son of Baba Pukar Rai of Niyar deeh(1378AD) and let others come forward and build the rest of the eleven pillars(or whatever) for their own ancestors and their decendants by and by and on some coaxing from the community of the Raghuvanshies.
No. two site shall be raised next to my house in Kaithi on my own land for the ancestors having inhabited the Sees Chand Mansion from Rai Chan Singh judeo in 1435 onwards to Rai Saheb Ram Rup singh and his younger brother of course that is because he was my father (1917 -28.06.1952) Babu Rishabh Deo Singhji.And the rest can be looked after by the future genarations and their thinking on the matter
3.So all the Raghuvanshies are invited to put their heads together and come forward to raise the hall of fame in the zinwa at Kaithi and collect all the possible data of their ancestors,going upto the eleven sons of Baba Pukar Rai ,so that a proper Hall of Fame is raised for the Raghuvanshies of Katehar on 98 decemil property next to the faMOUS TEMPLE OF mARKANDEY mAHADEO.
Thanks for your cooperation and required propogation in the matter.

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